Stainless steel manufacturing industry chemistry
When we think about the manufacturing industry chemicals (CPI), can not imagine if without stainless steel. Safe and cost-effective production of pharmaceutical compounds (1), fertilizer, paper, plastics, petrochemicals, and other hot sectors, rely heavily on the use of these materials.
The German researchers also discovered material properties of high temperature and high chromium content found (18-20%) V2A resistance to hot gases of different genres. Again, the alloy version of it, including the 304H (S30409), 321 (S32100) and 347 (S34700), has been widely used in the CPI for high temperature applications.
Stainless steel industry has not stood still.
The new stainless steel alloy with improved corrosion resistance and temperature properties have been developed. Adding 2% molypdenum component 18-8 (with 2% nickel more to keep fully austenitic microstructure), resulting in what is commonly known as "acid-resistant stainless steel," or 316 (S31600) , it is known today. This class has the ability to reduce acid resistance weakened as sulfuric and phosphoric types. expansion alloys capable of higher corrosion resistance have been developed over the years by adding nickel and molybdenum, copper or small quantities, nitrogen, tungsten, as well as some other factors. (3)

While two layers of stainless steel (austenitic-ferritic) was detected and used in the early 1930s, only in the 1970s and 1980s that have been improved to ensure good weldability (4). Their emphasis chloride resistance to corrosion cracks is essential in the chemical manufacturing industry. Over the years has developed from very low ferritic alloy, 11% chromium alloy (S40900 and modify) are used in automotive exhaust systems to a very high alloys, super ferritic alloys found in sea water cooling systems.
Precipitation hardenable layer has been developed for applications where high strength with some corrosion resistance is required. Many new alloy since been developed to address the specific needs of the CPI.
Steel production has material properties of the alloys thus CPI know which one to choose for specific applications. This process started in 1924 at the annual meeting of the Association 27 th and Materials Testing American (ASTM) and is still ongoing. The development of techniques and codes have a very important role for the selection and use of stainless steel in the CPI. Today, the industry is seeking to standardize the specifications that the plant in any other country in the world can use.
For high temperature applications, the material must have great strength as well as very resistant to the environment. To meet these needs, a greater amount of chromium and high nickel alloys have been developed. Nickel keep high reliability at high temperature and prevent brittleness over time. They all demonstrate that the performance of stainless steel in manufacturing industry over the past century chemistry was nothing if not reliable, safe and effective.
Author: Gary Coates, hospital consultants Garcoa nickel